Stacked Violin Plot
Stacked violin plots can be used to summarize multiple features expression in one image.
Start by adding a 2D scatter plot to the Data viewer (Figure 1).

Select the data node from the pipeline to use (e.g. normalized counts) then choose the attribute of interest for the X-axis (e.g. cell type or sample name) and select Numeric list for the Y-axis (Figure 2).

Navigate to the left panel and open the Axes Configure option. Add the features (e.g. genes) to include on the Y-axis by typing the name and selecting the feature (Figure 3). These can be ordered by drag and drop within the box which is reflected on the visualization.

Use the Show advanced options to modify additional axes parameters on the visualization.
Navigate to the left panel and open the Style Configure option. Use the Summary options to toggle on and off the Violin and other visual preferences (Figure 4).

Use the Show advanced options to toggle the points (dots) on and off.
When you are ready to export this image to your machine, navigate to the right corner and choose Export image with the necessary format, size, and resolution requirements. Click Save.

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